More than fourteen years ago, Lucy Lancheros, her husband Ricardo and their children went through one of the most difficult situations, she was very ill and about to die. However, the Lord gave her a promise during that time and it was: “If you believe you will see my Glory”, and so it was. Lucy recovered and the Lord called her to work full time for those in need in the city of Bogotá, specially to work up in the mountains sector in the Santa Cecilia neighborhood where violence, drugs, vandalism and poverty were very present in the area.
“If you believe you will see my Glory”

In this sector Lucy began to share a message of hope with a group of women. She taught them not only about the Lord, but also began to motivate them to generate their own income through the art of weaving and other crafts. Her passion for this sector grew stronger, the love for children and the compassion the Lord put in her heart for them and the families of the area led her to take on the challenge of starting a foundation. This is how FORMAVIDA was born, a non-profit organization that seeks to generate transformation through different social projects that lead each member of the community to know and develop their skills, but above all to know who has the power to transform the lives.
In 2014, FORMAVIDA Foundation received the support of INCALINK to start the OASIS Integral Development Center. A project that holistically supports the integral development of boys, girls, adolescents and young people and their families in the area. OASIS began with a group of 20 boys and girls, today 8 years later it serves more than 150 children and young people between the ages of 4 and 18. In the last year, seeing the growing need, Oasis has welcomed more than 20 Venezuelan refugee families living in the sector.
LEvery child, adolescent and young person who is part of OASIS receives care five days a week. Among the activities carried out with them are: homework assistance, school reinforcement, nutritional support through lunch or dinner, talent development, professional psychosocial support, counseling and daily devotional. Accompaniment is also provided to each family. At OASIS we hope to see a transformed generation, therefore, love, respect, tolerance, compassion and the Word of God are the fundamental axis.
In this time of Covid-19 where most of the families in the sector have been affected, losing their source of income, the Oasis team has joined forces to provide families with a weekly groceries. This has been possible thanks to the support of Incalink and other organizations that have seen the impact of the program in the community, and have decided to contribute financially to this. We are not only providing groceries, the team continues to work hard supporting the children in their tasks and promoting family unity through different tasks and challenges. We have been able to see that although these are difficult times, the Love of Our Almighty and Powerful God is still palpable, His Faithfulness does not change, and just as one day He promised Lucy “If you believe you will see my glory”, we have seen this promise come true, and we believe that there is much the Lord wants to do in and through us.